Ikhaya Africa Export logo

Hall 5    Stand B09 & 13

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| Bar Accessories | Corporate Gifts | Ethnic Crafts | Fancy/Customised Goods | Furniture | Gifts: Ladies | Gifts: Men | Interior Decor/Decorware | Lamps/Lighting / Lanterns | Leatherwear/Leather Items | Soft Furnishings | Travel Accessories |


We offer a wide variety of decorative items for the home including lamps, lamp shades, tables, ottomans, chairs, cushions and accessories.

Our products are made from exotic raw materials such as leather, suede, feathers, porcupine quills, ostrich eggs, horns and a variety of game skins including zebra, nguni, wildebeest and springbok.


Ikhaya Africa is a traditional Zulu name meaning "African Home". True to the continent's rich history, we pride ourselves in offering a range of homeware drawn from Africa's kaleidoscope of colour, rich textures, weaves and hand-made fabrics. This creates an unique homegrown Africa Colonial style.



 Esta Jonck
 083 444 8848
 083 444 8848


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