Sunbird Rooibos logo

Hall 5    Stand C31

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| Corporate Gifts | Food Products | Gifts: Ladies | Gifts: Men |


We source the best Rooibos teas in South Africa, elevating Rooibos tea to a discerning drink that is comparable to acclaimed specialty coffees and teas.


We only use natural ingredients and make sure to offer delicious tasting, looking, smelling and feeling products.  We strongly promote the reusability, recyclability and compostability of our packaging.


Through creating value close to the source of our growers, we are able create a better South Africa for its people and natural environment.

All our products are certified by the South African National Halaal Authority and our Sunbird Superior blend have EU-organic certification.

Our packaging is carefully designed to be low fragile, easy transportable but superior packaging. The design is of Premium sort which allows the product to be used for gifting, corporate usage and also for enjoying you Sunbird Rooibos with family and friends. 


Anton Louw- Owner & Manager

Lene' Bouwsema- Sales & Marketing manager

Nadja Meyer- Operations manager



 Anton Louw
 072 430 6560
 072 430 6560


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